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Copy of Knowing the Bible 101 - Chapter 3

Writer's picture: Mary Alice GrossmanMary Alice Grossman

Video: How Do I Study the Bible? | 5 SIMPLE Bible Study Keys

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

1.      Why must God be self-existent? What if God had been created?


2.      What if God had not given Adam and Eve a free will, and they had no choice but to obey God? Would that change the way we relate to God? If so, how?


3.      Even though God chose the Jews to be his people, they rarely acted like it. Why did they have such a hard time obeying God? Why would anyone -- including people living today -- rebel against the loving, caring, all-knowing, all-powerful God?


4.      In what way are you a character in God's story? Is the story still being written? How?


5.      After reading through the entire Bible summary, what do you consider to be the major theme of the Bible?  How does this affect your Bible reading?


6.      Discuss the characteristics and personality of God as revealed in the Bible. Give specific examples.


7.      How does the Bible impact your thinking about sin?  Life? Death? Jesus?

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