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The Christmas Code - December 10, 2022


“But you, Bethlehem... though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth... the one... whose goings forth are from old, from everlasting.”

Micah 3:2

Think of it. Of all the places for the Messiah to be born, God chose Bethlehem. One would have thought it might be in a much more prominent place, like Jerusalem. Bethlehem reminds us that in God's economy the small shall become great, and the last shall be first. Bethlehem was a place of potential, and even though you may feel insignificant, like Bethlehem, so are you!

As the Lord looks at you, He doesn't see you for what you are, but for what you could become. This is the message of Bethlehem. God did not come to Caesar's palace to be born, nor to Herod’s court. He arrived quietly, almost unannounced in a seemingly insignificant village.

God is reminding you today that in His eyes you have potential for greatness. See yourself as a Bethlehem. You, too, are a person of potential.


Your prospects are limitless. God sees you not for who you are, but for who you can become. When He first saw Peter, he said, “You are a small pebble but will become a great rock” (John 1: 42, author’s paraphrase). Peter believed it and later became the leader of the early church.


Lord, help me see today what You see -- incredible potential in me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This Daily Devotional is from The Christmas Code by O. S. Hawkings

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