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Week #7 - Knowing God Study Questions - God the Judge - Chapter 14



To perceive the necessity of God’s judgement – and rejoice in it.


1. Mention a few instances in Scripture where God is referred to as Judge; where God acts as Judge; where we are taught that God is Judge.

2. What four ideas are involved in God’s being a judge? Why is God able to fulfill each of these judicial functions?

3. What is retribution? Why does Packer say that it is “the inescapable moral law of creation”?

4. On page 143 Packer argues that God’s commitment to judge people is the final proof of his moral perfection. What is Packer’s argument?

5. On pages 143-144, what does Packer say is the main thrust of the reality of divine judgement?

6. What is the relation of Jesus Christ to God’s judgement?

7. What is “the significance of works in the last judgement” (p. 145)?

8. Answer Packer’s question: “How do free forgiveness and justification by faith square with judgment according to works?”

9. What does 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 teach Christians? How should our awareness of this affect our day-to-day living?

10. How will our knowledge about God affect his judgement of us?

11. What should our fear of judgment cause us to do? How will doing this affect our anticipation of the final judgement?

Optional: Read aloud the nine Bible passages listed on p. 144. What is the main point of these passages?


Why should we rejoice in the fact that God is a judge?

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